When I was little, my mother used to read me a bed time story… A
fairy tale of how a prince charming came riding on the horse and took the girl away. Night after night I used to hear the same
story, secretly imagining that one day; my handsome prince will also take me
away to live happily ever after.

I watched
English movies and I dreamed… I hoped…. I imagined my soul mate…..I dreamt of
the perfect date… brunch at the upper deck of a yacht, a romantic movie, a
private ballroom dance, moonlight dinner by the sea , romantic
chariot ride and the proposal- “You make me
happier than I ever thought I could be. And if you’ll let me, I will spend the
rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way. Will you marry me?” I
imagined walking down the aisle in the most beautiful white
trousseau with my father, exchanging vows of unconditional love with my soul
mate and heading off Just Married in the car with tins rolling
down the road.
To be continued...